Thursday, May 5, 2016

Lupus Blogger-itis!

This is just a quick note to say how excited I am to be blogging about lupus... a topic I have been very familiar with for the past 15 years.  And in my eagerness to share this knowledge & experience with others who may be new to lupus or seasoned veterans, I have already misplaced notes, lost blog drafts, experienced "technical difficulties" with my new laptop and had my printer/copier/scanner implode!

Not to mention the onslaught of thunderstorms this week that have caused Giggles (a.k.a., the dog) to run circuitous patterns around my couch while I'm trying to blog!  But, she's too cute & adorable to blame......

So, I'm going to chalk this up to the learning curve of being a new blogger.  And just like living with lupus, you never know what the next day will bring ..... let's call it "blogger-itis"!


Sunday, May 1, 2016

Launch of new blog "Arresting Lupus"!

Welcome to my new blog, Arresting Lupus!

My name is Lisa Pittarelli and I have been living with lupus for over 15 years.  I can't think of a better time to launch this blog than on the weekend of the 10th Annual Walk to End Lupus Now, held on Saturday, April 30, 2016, at Piedmont Park, Atlanta,Georgia; sponsored by the Georgia Chapter of the Lupus Foundation of America,

I encourage anyone who is living with lupus or newly diagnosed to reach out to your local chapter of The Lupus Foundation of America for upcoming walk events.  In 2007, I walked in the first annual Lupus Walk in Atlanta.  I was new to Atlanta and didn't know anyone.  Getting involved with the walk was a great way to meet new people, increase awareness and raise funds for lupus research.  Over the years I have helped with various fundraising events and co-sponsored a support group for newly diagnosed patients through the Georgia Chapter.  Every new patient I meet inspires me to want to do more!

While I was researching for my new blog, I discovered a multitude of amazing Lupus Bloggers!  Everyone had an extraordinary story of perseverance and inspiration.  When I was diagnosed in the Summer, 2000, there wasn't a lot of information or support groups available to lupus patients.  I recall being very frustrated, scared and alone in what I was going through.  I'm sure I wasn't alone in my thinking.  No one should feel that way.

Through "Arresting Lupus", I want to provide support, knowledge and hope to anyone who is newly diagnosed or has been living with lupus for many years.  Even after living with this disease for 15 years, I continually learn new methods of self-management.  I used to think it was difficult enough managing lupus, but then along came the other interlopers such as: fibromyalgia, costochondritis, osteoarthritis, degenerative disc disease, sinusitis, pericarditis, interstitial cystitis, sjogrens, raynauds, and any other syndrome ending in "itis"!

My inspiration for Arresting Lupus was derived directly from my life.... and no, I wasn't recently arrested or spent time in jail!  Quite the opposite, I was doing the arresting.  At the time of diagnosis, I was a healthy, physically fit young woman living in San Diego employed by the FBI as a Special Agent.  I worked on a violent crime squad chasing bank robbers and investigating kidnappings.  I had my dream career! 

So how does one handle an unknown, such as lupus, invading your entire being?  If lupus was a bank robber, I would arrest it, handcuff it and haul it off to federal prison never to be heard from again!  Arresting lupus would be the highlight of my life and payback for what it has put me through.  Although actually arresting lupus may be a dream of mine, I had to find a way to live with it.  So, I adapted by applying law enforcement tactics to cope with this complex disease which has no cure.

I've been talking about starting a blog for a few years and very excited to actually be doing it! One of the most important lessons I've learned in managing lupus is to pace oneself.  Not so sure I've actually mastered it, but it's a work in progress!  I may not be able to post blog entries daily, but hopefully a few times a week.  I  look forward to reaching out to the lupus community and beyond ... and definitely open to suggestions from all of you seasoned lupus bloggers!    

I hope to add "My Story" to this blog in the next few days ..... and definitely want to thank my beloved Belgian Malinois, named Giggles, for providing inspiration!  She keeps me grounded and laughing on a daily basis.   I will add some pics in the next few days!

Much love and empowerment to everyone! 

'Til next blog entry,

Lisa and Giggles